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Asked Questions

I've pre-answered your interview questions in case you want to cut to the chase. 

Here are some of the top questions I've been asked, and how i generally respond. 

Tell Me About Yourself

I am a friendly, engaging person who really enjoys engaging with or connecting with people. I love working as part of a team, but am capable of being a self-starter. Organization is important to me, and so is feeling like I'm doing something good for others or good for the world. 


What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about making connections, building communities, and solving problems. I am always coming up with new ideas, and love to find efficiencies to make things easier for the company I'm working for. I enjoy online research, and can find the answer to almost any question (and if I can't find it, it probably hasn't been answered before). I also love dogs. I have a mini poodle named Butters and I talk about him a lot (more than I talk about my husband or anyone else I know). 


Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I'm currently looking for a career, so hopefully with my next employer. I want to find a role that I can grow in, or an organization that I can grow within. I still plan to be within Oxford County (I really love my house). 


What are your weaknesses?

I have a tendency to take on too much at one time, and I am also extremely hard on myself. I also sometimes take things too personally - and these are all things that I have been working on. I get excited about ideas, and want to move forward in all directions at once. Taking the time to prioritize things really helps me out. Sometimes I need to be reminded that things aren't meant personally, and years of customer service work (10+ years!) has really helped me with that. 


Can you tell me when you overcame a stressful work situation?

Absolutely - it's happened a few times. The most memorable to me was one time when I worked for RoomRoster, a hotel had oversold their rooms, and a few of our players were without a room at 6 p.m. on a friday evening. Within an hour, I was able to find them a new property and secure rooms for the entire team at the same cost so they weren't out any additional money. I did have a manager help at that time - but it was stressful but I was so grateful that we were able to get it worked out. This led to some organizational changes that made it more difficult for hotels to oversell the rooms they earmarked for RoomRoster. 


What is your salary expectation?

This entirely depends on the role, and what type of work is being done as well as any benefits package. At this time though, I'm typically not looking for jobs that pay less than $50,000 annually for a full time, permanent role. There is always an exception to the rule though, so please don't hesitate to reach out. 


What type of work are you looking for?

I like a role where not every day is exactly the same. I'm interested in roles in: marketing, communications, administration, training, tourism, customer support, community development, fundraising or sales to name a few. This is not a complete list, and there could be something not featured here that I'd really enjoy! 


Why should we hire you?

I am engaging, enthusiastic, and I fully believe I'd be an asset to your team. What I'm looking for right now is the opportunity to show what I can do - so if that's something you can offer, I think I'd be a great fit. 

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